The U.S. Consul General Visits KLU

On October 7, 2021, the U.S. Consul General, Darion Akins, made his first guest visit to the Kühne Logistics University (KLU) campus. After a year and a half of reduced operations on campus due to the COVID pandemic, KLU is reestablishing its prior exchange with the diplomatic representation of the United States in Hamburg.

Darion Akins said on this occasion: “Exchange enhances our transatlantic academic experience and helps us to jointly address shared challenges, such as global supply chain bottlenecks. KLU’s program is a great example of this cross-continent cooperation and why it remains an important partner for us.”

KLU President Thomas Strothotte introduced Akins to the tricontinent master’s program in global supply chain management in which Chinese, German, and American students (in cooperation with the University of Tennessee in Knoxville) accomplish their studies together. “The people at KLU bond like a family. That’s why it was a special pleasure to welcome the Consul General of the United States here as the representative of ‘back home’ for our American students and staff.” Currently among the approximate 560 staff and students at the university, just under 20 are Americans.

Mr. Akins is the second U.S. Consul General to visit KLU – following his predecessor Richard Tsutomu Yoneoka (U.S. Consul General in Hamburg, 2016 - 2019), for whose visit KLU invited all American students and staff to a reception. Due to the ongoing pandemic, this time representatives were selected to attend a meet-and-greet with Darion Akins: Christian Sutton on behalf of the students, Emily Dickey for the tricontinent and doctoral programs, Professor Rod Franklin for the faculty, and Holly Hillen for the staff.